Great article. Enjoy your cereal. I always say adults should eat what they want without shame. There is so much to be ashamed of in our lives. How did food even get on the list??
Exactly! We sit down to multiple meals a day. There is no reason for us to feel shame every time we do that, it's a crime. Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it.
Every holiday I make a special super spicy mix with Cheerio, rice, wheat, corn Chex and pecans and bake it off in the oven. It never lasts more than a few days. Then the light bulb goes off and realizes we eat it like crazy! It’s just gotta be healthy! With the left over cereal not used I eat at least 3 bowls a week!!
Thank you for this article… A few things which I feel have been glanced over:
One) cereal is never really eaten on its own… When you add the milk it brings up almost every serving to 20 g or more of sugar
Two) Studies have found that the portion sizes depicted on the front of the packet are almost 50% greater than the portion sizes recommended on the back of the bucket
Three) Studies have also found that consumers are eating about 42% more cereal and milk than the recommended serving size
So given that kids are simply eating as much cereal as is shown (they aren't weighing it on a digital scale) then this quickly adds up to 30 g+ of sugar, putting it in candy bar territory -for sugar content if not for the wider macronutrients
And this is why huge corporations pay people like Amy to work for Gen Mills and spin the information in a way which doesn't paint a realistic picture of what's happening in real life - and I would bet money on them being aware of the aforementioned studies
Hi! You bring up an important point that should be mentioned. Practically everything we eat has sugar in it, and our bodies convert foods we eat into sugar. This does not mean that we should avoid these foods, especially if they are nutritious whole foods like vegetables, fruit, and even milk. These foods have key nutrients in them that are vital for bodily function and growth like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals — especially for children. We cannot avoid sugar, that is impossible. There are likely some lunches and even dinners that we all eat that have a good amount of sugar in them, but that does not make them bad for you. When we get into the territory of saying to avoid something or not eat it because of a single nutrient, we lose sight of the grander picture — while creating shame for people who simply need to eat.
I love cereal as well and grew up with it and also didn't do cereal for years and years till recently but I don't pretend or trick myself into believing it's a healthy option. They do add lots of vitamins and minerals which is good and are often high in fiber and this and that, what they are doing is adding and promoting tons of positive nutritional aspects to hide all the horrible things they add and that is in cereal. Look on the box in the ingredients, all those additives, preservatives, coloring, etc. Alot of the ingredients you'll find aren't even legal for sale in places like Europe.
The massive amounts of additives are what's being hidden behind all the good things they add that are good. The high sugar content also makes it not healthy and also milk. Milk is also highly processed with tons of additives not to mention all the hormones,etc. the cow or animal is being pumped full of. Milk is also high in bad fats and cholesterol, etc.
For me you can't trust the nutritional regulations in this country because it has been corrupted and misleading because these companies basically own the politicians and they get new ones every few years so a single politician can't be to blame. It's the corporations that basically run everything so they are responsible and basically control it all and that is obviously a conflict of interest.
Read your labels. If you can't pronounce it it probably isn't natural or good.
In your article you noted and discredited both your expert and the Drs opinion against cereals and sided with General Mills claims. This is a perfect example of how good these companies are at misleading the public.
Like I mentioned I went back to cereals recently because I craved it from memories of my childhood, I'm not perfect, I give into temptation, but I won't lie and convince myself and try to convince others it is healthy.
For me, in the large scale of things I wonder why are things that are so bad for our body taste or feel so good? I've never been a religious or spiritual person but it became obvious to me we are naturally suppose to reject our bodily urges and wants for some reason we may not be completely hip to right now.
Good article but the one point you really didn't highlight, and the reason so many (like me) truly avoid it is the highly processed aspect. You know, the bioengineered ingredients and all those mysterious items *after* the nice ones in the beginning of the ingredient list. Controversial ingredients that many Americans can't help but notice are not in their European counterparts made by these same companies. Between that and the sugar, I can't help but keep cereal in the "better than a candy bar" section and not above. When I get a sweet-tooth, it's one of the better options to go for. But I believe eating it on a daily basis will cause more harm than good.
Also, it's worth noting that the reason cereal was so wildly popular in the 80's and 90's is because of that evil food pyramid that told us to aim for 8 to 12 servings of "bread and cereal". That misinformation was paid for by companies like Kelloggs and General Mills who turned the original well-meaning food pyramid created by an actual dietician on its head and paid for deadly misinformation for profits. Are we to believe they've had a change of heart now? This is where we go right back to those controversial ingredients they replace for the European markets but still leave in ours.
Great article. Enjoy your cereal. I always say adults should eat what they want without shame. There is so much to be ashamed of in our lives. How did food even get on the list??
Exactly! We sit down to multiple meals a day. There is no reason for us to feel shame every time we do that, it's a crime. Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it.
Every holiday I make a special super spicy mix with Cheerio, rice, wheat, corn Chex and pecans and bake it off in the oven. It never lasts more than a few days. Then the light bulb goes off and realizes we eat it like crazy! It’s just gotta be healthy! With the left over cereal not used I eat at least 3 bowls a week!!
Thank you for this article… A few things which I feel have been glanced over:
One) cereal is never really eaten on its own… When you add the milk it brings up almost every serving to 20 g or more of sugar
Two) Studies have found that the portion sizes depicted on the front of the packet are almost 50% greater than the portion sizes recommended on the back of the bucket
Three) Studies have also found that consumers are eating about 42% more cereal and milk than the recommended serving size
So given that kids are simply eating as much cereal as is shown (they aren't weighing it on a digital scale) then this quickly adds up to 30 g+ of sugar, putting it in candy bar territory -for sugar content if not for the wider macronutrients
And this is why huge corporations pay people like Amy to work for Gen Mills and spin the information in a way which doesn't paint a realistic picture of what's happening in real life - and I would bet money on them being aware of the aforementioned studies
Hi! You bring up an important point that should be mentioned. Practically everything we eat has sugar in it, and our bodies convert foods we eat into sugar. This does not mean that we should avoid these foods, especially if they are nutritious whole foods like vegetables, fruit, and even milk. These foods have key nutrients in them that are vital for bodily function and growth like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals — especially for children. We cannot avoid sugar, that is impossible. There are likely some lunches and even dinners that we all eat that have a good amount of sugar in them, but that does not make them bad for you. When we get into the territory of saying to avoid something or not eat it because of a single nutrient, we lose sight of the grander picture — while creating shame for people who simply need to eat.
I love cereal as well and grew up with it and also didn't do cereal for years and years till recently but I don't pretend or trick myself into believing it's a healthy option. They do add lots of vitamins and minerals which is good and are often high in fiber and this and that, what they are doing is adding and promoting tons of positive nutritional aspects to hide all the horrible things they add and that is in cereal. Look on the box in the ingredients, all those additives, preservatives, coloring, etc. Alot of the ingredients you'll find aren't even legal for sale in places like Europe.
The massive amounts of additives are what's being hidden behind all the good things they add that are good. The high sugar content also makes it not healthy and also milk. Milk is also highly processed with tons of additives not to mention all the hormones,etc. the cow or animal is being pumped full of. Milk is also high in bad fats and cholesterol, etc.
For me you can't trust the nutritional regulations in this country because it has been corrupted and misleading because these companies basically own the politicians and they get new ones every few years so a single politician can't be to blame. It's the corporations that basically run everything so they are responsible and basically control it all and that is obviously a conflict of interest.
Read your labels. If you can't pronounce it it probably isn't natural or good.
In your article you noted and discredited both your expert and the Drs opinion against cereals and sided with General Mills claims. This is a perfect example of how good these companies are at misleading the public.
Like I mentioned I went back to cereals recently because I craved it from memories of my childhood, I'm not perfect, I give into temptation, but I won't lie and convince myself and try to convince others it is healthy.
For me, in the large scale of things I wonder why are things that are so bad for our body taste or feel so good? I've never been a religious or spiritual person but it became obvious to me we are naturally suppose to reject our bodily urges and wants for some reason we may not be completely hip to right now.
Good article but the one point you really didn't highlight, and the reason so many (like me) truly avoid it is the highly processed aspect. You know, the bioengineered ingredients and all those mysterious items *after* the nice ones in the beginning of the ingredient list. Controversial ingredients that many Americans can't help but notice are not in their European counterparts made by these same companies. Between that and the sugar, I can't help but keep cereal in the "better than a candy bar" section and not above. When I get a sweet-tooth, it's one of the better options to go for. But I believe eating it on a daily basis will cause more harm than good.
Also, it's worth noting that the reason cereal was so wildly popular in the 80's and 90's is because of that evil food pyramid that told us to aim for 8 to 12 servings of "bread and cereal". That misinformation was paid for by companies like Kelloggs and General Mills who turned the original well-meaning food pyramid created by an actual dietician on its head and paid for deadly misinformation for profits. Are we to believe they've had a change of heart now? This is where we go right back to those controversial ingredients they replace for the European markets but still leave in ours.