Forkful is a newsletter inspiring you to break up with your diet and pick up a fork. Through each newsletter, the goal is to help others simply enjoy food and health again — without the pressure of hitting goals, restricting food, or losing weight.

Let’s tear away from toxic diet culture and approach health from a welcoming, holistic perspective. One that promotes living a long, happy life—not one focused on the scale.

Subscribers will receive the weekly Saturday essay covering some kind of topic related to food and nutrition, health, and diet-culture myth busting, as well as some recommendations from yours truly.

Forkful was chosen as a Substack featured publication in 2022, and continues to be an active member in the Substack community of other incredibly talented writers and creators.

💌 Got a question? You can shoot me an email at

Subscribe to Forkful

A newsletter inspiring you to break up with your diet and pick up a fork.


Food & nutrition journalist debunking toxic diet culture.